Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Just Want My Pants Back 4A

pious= having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations. (page 101)

denomination= a name or designation, esp. one for a class of things. (102)

"'That was like iwo Jima,' i said, ...." simile (comparing with "like") (page 102)

"That sounded like a setup line for a cheap joke." (simile comparing with like) page 105

"Who knows, maybe it will be his Pulp Fiction." metaphor (comparing directly) page 107

"I started thinking about the sixteen-hour drive I used to make twice a year during college, from Missouri to Itaca and vice versa, alone in my bad little beige 1986 Honda Civic."
This quote is significant because it shows how because he has very little do to, Jason doesn't know how to handle himself or what to do with his life, so he has started spending a lot of time reminiscing about the past. If he keeps this up, he may never figure out what to do with his life, which is one of the main conflicts he is having with himself.

Jason still doesn't know what's going on in his life or what to do with it, and has started wasting lots of time on pointless things that won't help him solve his problems and get his stuff together.

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