Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Just Want My Pants Back 7B

So, this was an awesome book. In the end, Jason never gets his pants back, but he learns a much more valuable lesson. Sometimes there are things in life that get you sidetracked and make it so you don't know what to do with your life, but the best thing to do is listen to your friends and use your talents to make yourself a happy life. Patty ends up dying from cancer, and Jason is very sad about her death, but learns from it and what she told him before she died. He starts cleaning up his life, leads a wonderful wedding for his friends Eric and Stacey, and everything turned out okay. This book was one of the funniest I have ever read, and still managed to include a good life lesson. I strongly recommend it to anybody who likes either a good read, a good laugh, or both.

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