Monday, January 14, 2008

I Just Want My Pants Back 6A

gesticulated= verb = to make or use gestures, esp. in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech. (page 128)

partition= noun = a division into or distribution in portions or shares. (130)

"I could feel the trail of fire go from the back of my tongue down through my pipes until it hit bottom and spread wildly in the dry grass of my stomach." (page 128-129). metaphor because it's saying that the whiskey shot is fire.

"I wasn't an amateur when it came to shots, but sometimes when you haven't properly girded yourself, they can be a quite a shock to the system, like jumping into a really cold pond." (page 129) simile because it's comparing taking a shot of liquor to jumping into a cold pond.

"Those guys are just dogs eating garbage, in my book." (page 132) metaphor because she is saying that people are dogs.

"At this point in a late, late night, trying to wake up was among the stupidest things I could choose to do." (page 133). Jason is still abusing occasional drugs and lots of alcohol, but differently from before, now he has started to recognize how stupid some of his decisions are and how they could negatively effect him.

Jason has started hanging out with Patty, who most likely will become a good influence on him, and he has started to realize that a lot of his decisions turn out badly for him, and he may need to turn things around.

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