Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Just Want My Pants Back 7A

debacle = noun= a general breakup or dispersion; sudden downfall or rout (176)

atrophying= progressive noun= a wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage (185)

"Tonight, I just wanted to be like a country song and drink to forget." (page 176) simile because comparing with "like"

"... I needed a new bed, that mine was like lying on a chain-link fence." (185) simile because comparing with "like"

"I was a piece of cake all day. It's a demanding job!" (207) metaphor because he was comparing himself to a piece of cake.

"'I think the world of you, Jason. You know that. You could be a star. You could also end up a cynical New York asshole- you know, you see them on the train, a really intelligent, really bitter nothing who's forgotten how to smile.'" This quote, at least for me, summed up the lesson of the book. Jason has nearly endless possibilities with his talents, he just has to take them.

Sometimes there are things in life that get you sidetracked and make it so you don't know what to do with your life, but the best thing to do is listen to your friends and use your talents to make yourself a happy life.

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