Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I Just Want My Pants Back 3B

On page 72 in I Just Want My Pants Back, Jason is commenting on how people around him put so much effort into their images. "My God, the effort these people were making to be super-stylish, it seemed exhausting." (72). This made me think about how lots of people do worry too much about how they are perceived by society and their peers, which personally pisses the bejeesus out of me. People shouldn't judge others by what they look like, and especially how they dress. It almost makes me want to come to school every day wearing something ridiculous like spandex and hip-waders with a big sombrero on my head just to break the ice and let people know that I believe that appearance isn't how you should judge someone. Well, I won't do this, seeing as I don't have a sombrero or spandex, and it would be very uncomfortable, and I don't think Jason will either, but my point still stands. You shouldn't judge people based on appearance, and you shouldn't have to worry about putting so much effort into what you look like just to impress people.

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