Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Just Want My Pants Back

P.S.- just for everybody's information, Jason does indeed find his pants. He sees them being worn by a guy who is beating him up. So, although he does find them, he doesn't actually get his pants back.

I Just Want My Pants Back 7B

So, this was an awesome book. In the end, Jason never gets his pants back, but he learns a much more valuable lesson. Sometimes there are things in life that get you sidetracked and make it so you don't know what to do with your life, but the best thing to do is listen to your friends and use your talents to make yourself a happy life. Patty ends up dying from cancer, and Jason is very sad about her death, but learns from it and what she told him before she died. He starts cleaning up his life, leads a wonderful wedding for his friends Eric and Stacey, and everything turned out okay. This book was one of the funniest I have ever read, and still managed to include a good life lesson. I strongly recommend it to anybody who likes either a good read, a good laugh, or both.

I Just Want My Pants Back 7A

debacle = noun= a general breakup or dispersion; sudden downfall or rout (176)

atrophying= progressive noun= a wasting away of the body or of an organ or part, as from defective nutrition or nerve damage (185)

"Tonight, I just wanted to be like a country song and drink to forget." (page 176) simile because comparing with "like"

"... I needed a new bed, that mine was like lying on a chain-link fence." (185) simile because comparing with "like"

"I was a piece of cake all day. It's a demanding job!" (207) metaphor because he was comparing himself to a piece of cake.

"'I think the world of you, Jason. You know that. You could be a star. You could also end up a cynical New York asshole- you know, you see them on the train, a really intelligent, really bitter nothing who's forgotten how to smile.'" This quote, at least for me, summed up the lesson of the book. Jason has nearly endless possibilities with his talents, he just has to take them.

Sometimes there are things in life that get you sidetracked and make it so you don't know what to do with your life, but the best thing to do is listen to your friends and use your talents to make yourself a happy life.

I Just Want My Pants Back 6B

I am a little confused about Patty. She seems like a great person, especially one that Jason could, in a sense, look up to, but she still has lots of bad habits. She drinks, smokes marijuana, and is always smoking a cigarette. However, I think because of her habits, she seems very sick. She is always coughing and stuff, and I suspect that she may have lung cancer. "We drained our beers and walked outside. Patty immediately lit up a cigarette." (page 131). So, reading this made me wonder exactly how many people are affected by smoking. I did some research, and came up with some pretty interesting results. In the United States, an estimated 25.9 million men (23.9 percent) and 20.7 million women (18.1 percent) are smokers. That is a lot of smokers. Every eight seconds, a human life is lost to tobacco use somewhere in the world. That ends up being around 5 million deaths annually. Half of all long-term smokers will die a tobacco-related death. That means that cigarettes have killed more people this year than war has. I find that quite interesting and also quite disturbing. John out.

Monday, January 14, 2008

I Just Want My Pants Back 6A

gesticulated= verb = to make or use gestures, esp. in an animated or excited manner with or instead of speech. (page 128)

partition= noun = a division into or distribution in portions or shares. (130)

"I could feel the trail of fire go from the back of my tongue down through my pipes until it hit bottom and spread wildly in the dry grass of my stomach." (page 128-129). metaphor because it's saying that the whiskey shot is fire.

"I wasn't an amateur when it came to shots, but sometimes when you haven't properly girded yourself, they can be a quite a shock to the system, like jumping into a really cold pond." (page 129) simile because it's comparing taking a shot of liquor to jumping into a cold pond.

"Those guys are just dogs eating garbage, in my book." (page 132) metaphor because she is saying that people are dogs.

"At this point in a late, late night, trying to wake up was among the stupidest things I could choose to do." (page 133). Jason is still abusing occasional drugs and lots of alcohol, but differently from before, now he has started to recognize how stupid some of his decisions are and how they could negatively effect him.

Jason has started hanging out with Patty, who most likely will become a good influence on him, and he has started to realize that a lot of his decisions turn out badly for him, and he may need to turn things around.

I Just Want My Pants Back 5B

In the recent parts of the book that I have been reading, Jason has become increasingly more friendly with his neighbor Patty. Patty is an older woman who has an apartment just across the hall from Jason. They have started to talk more, and even hang out, go out for some drinks and stuff. "Patty excused herself to go to the bathroom and I chipped away at my beer. I wondered if people might think i was out boozing with my mom." (page 127). However, Patty seems pretty cool so far, and Jason seems to really like her. I think that it is definitely good for Jason to have some sort of older figure that he can somewhat look up to or that can at least help him to make smarter decisions in his life. "Well, he knows I know Robert. But it's all in the tone of voice. It's the same with dogs. You have to talk to them like you're their master, that's the key. You don't ask them to sit- you tell them." (page 126).

I Just Want My Pants Back 5A

cacophonous= adj = having a harsh or discordant sound. (page 114)

neurotic= adj = of, pertaining to, or characteristic of neurosis. (page 115)

"'Think of this as the Super Bowl of their life. Never will they have more people gather to see them, rooting for not only a win, but also for a good game.'" (page 120) simile -comparing with "as"

"I could feel The Fear sneaking up on me." ( page 113) personification- giving a feeling a name and human characteristics.

"The hall was decorated on both sides with framed paintings of various biblical scenes, along with black-and-white shots of Masada and the Wailing Wall." (page 115) imagery- because it is implanting images of the where the action is taking place.

"After only three blocks, though, the damn battery died and I was back in cacophonous reality." (page 114) This quote shows how Jason absentmindedly tends to try and avoid reality and situations he doesn't like. He likes to kind of live in his own little bubble in which he chooses what happens.

Jason has been confusing and mixing up his priorities, with his social life, his drinking/drug abuse, and his job situation, and needs to straighten things out.

I Just Want My Pants Back 4B

Recently in I Just Want My Pants Back, Jason hasn't been any more lucky with the ladies. He keeps on daydreaming about things working out, but doesn't really take any action, or if he does, it never works out. "I wanted to plant a flag on her pubis and proclaim to the four winds, "All this territory, including the hills to the north, belongs to me." But it wasn't going to happen. It turned out she had a boyfriend too, a boyfriend who showed up and bought us a round. He seemed like a good guy, the bastard." (page 75). I think that Jason is having trouble mainly because he is trying to hard and worrying about things too much, but at the same exact time he doesn't work hard at fixing up the other things in life like his lifestyle and job situation. I think that if Jason wants to turn things around for the better, he should simply switch the two styles he has: don't worry or try to hard with women, and work harder at fixing his job situation and taking better care of himself.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I Just Want My Pants Back 4A

pious= having or showing a dutiful spirit of reverence for God or an earnest wish to fulfill religious obligations. (page 101)

denomination= a name or designation, esp. one for a class of things. (102)

"'That was like iwo Jima,' i said, ...." simile (comparing with "like") (page 102)

"That sounded like a setup line for a cheap joke." (simile comparing with like) page 105

"Who knows, maybe it will be his Pulp Fiction." metaphor (comparing directly) page 107

"I started thinking about the sixteen-hour drive I used to make twice a year during college, from Missouri to Itaca and vice versa, alone in my bad little beige 1986 Honda Civic."
This quote is significant because it shows how because he has very little do to, Jason doesn't know how to handle himself or what to do with his life, so he has started spending a lot of time reminiscing about the past. If he keeps this up, he may never figure out what to do with his life, which is one of the main conflicts he is having with himself.

Jason still doesn't know what's going on in his life or what to do with it, and has started wasting lots of time on pointless things that won't help him solve his problems and get his stuff together.