Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Always Running #8

While reading this memoir, I keep thinking about how violent life is when you are in bad neighborhoods and especially with gangs.

"A loud crack resounded nearby as a powerful projectile struck the side of the helicopter, causing it to sputter and twirl as it descended toward earth." (pg 205).

"Two bullets burst out from inside the vehicle before it sped off, never stopping. No barrio was claimed. The bodies of Santos and Indio lay across the lawn, killed instantly, while a small boy wailed for his mother." (pg 205).

"There before me lay the larges collection of weapons I had ever seen: shotguns, in different gauges; handguns from .22s to 9 millimeters; semi-automatic rifles with scopes, thirty-thirty and thirty-ought-sixes; and the automatics- 16s and all sort of subs. In a corner were sever wood boxes piled up with hand grenades." (pg 207).

"But Chava did not run, could not run; he stood alone in the back yard as the legion of shadows approached, yelling back, shadows which surrounded their prey and pounced in a deadly pantomime, steel blades penetrating flesh... ...Somebody picked up a rusted tire rim from the cluttered driveway, raised it high, and thrust it down on Chava's head." (pg 211).

These quotes, and even more that I didn't post, made me glad I live in a safe area. In a song I know, there is a line that says, "It's not my fault that humans don't act humane." I think that that line is very appropriate with some of the gruesome, terrible things that people do to each other.

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