Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Always Running #3

I have definitely hit a turning point in my memoir. So far, it has been all about the dark life of being involved in poverty, drugs, violence, and gangs. In the last section that I read, however, Luis has started to mature and try to stay away from these bad influences, or, in some cases, influence others to be better. Luis started to attend high school again, after having dropped out for a couple years. He immediately emerges as a leader among other Mexican-Americans at the school, and starts influencing others to be more responsible. Luis was a member of the "Lomos" barrio gang, enemies of the "Sangra" barrio gang. However, Luis helped communicate between the two so that the two gangs signed a peace agreement.
The peace didn't last too long, but for the time it did work, it was a major accomplishment for Luis. He also joined a club in his school that worked towards better treatment for Mexican-Americans in the school and community. He helped organize a walkout to protest the unfair way the school administration had been treating them, which succeeded and there were new guidelines and classes available for the students.

I am curious to find out if Luis is able to maintain this healthier lifestyle throughout the rest of the book.

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