Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I Just Want My Pants Back 2A

Vocab: -rendered= page 44 = To submit or present, as for consideration, approval, or payment.
-treatise= page 45 = A formal and systematic exposition in writing of the principles of a subject, generally longer and more detailed than an essay.

F.L.: -"...somewhere around thirteen drinks-a true bar mitzvah-style drunk..." (simile because it is comparing two things, page 45)
-"No it's cool- I broke a mug across his jaw. He's f***** forever. He left bloody and crying." (page 46, irony because earlier something similar happened but she didn't actually do it this time)
-"Finding out you were to stand as a rabbi in front of three hundred people, some from Europe, and fuse two friends together for life..." (page 45, irony because such a wild guy like Jason becoming a rabbi is obviously ironic)

quote: "Finding out you were to stand as a rabbi in front of three hundred people, some from Europe, and fuse two friends together for life required somewhere around thirteen drinks-a true bar mitzvah-style drunk-and Tina and I had been doing our best to reach that magic number." This is quite significant because it shows how when put up to very important situations that require a lot of responsibility, Jason often doesn't know how to handle it and sometimes just goes out and parties to forget about it, which I think may become a developing trend in this book.

I think that an emerging trend is how Jason doesn't know how to handle situations involving responsibility, and instead goes out to party.

I Just Want My Pants Back 2B

In the last section of my book, it became more clear that the main character, Jason, is what many people might call a slacker, but at the same time quite adventurous. I try to think of myself in his same position, as a mid twenties young guy living in Greenwich Village in New York City, out of college, not knowing what I want to do with my life. I have a job that pays the bills, but I hate it, so every night I go out and party with my friends, going to various bars around the city, hoping to maybe hook up with some hot girl that I may meet. Obviously, being the angel that I actually am (wink wink), I personally would never even think of touching a drop of liqueur, and definitely not take drugs. (Isn't that right Ms. Tholen). No but seriously, I can understand his position. With school, which I can relate to his job that he doesn't really enjoy, but really has to go, the week becomes dull. So, after no excitement for so long, I would feel the need to make it up by doing something really fun on the weekend. In Jason's case, this is partying almost every night, hopefully bringing back a girl to his apartment, ordering take out, and hopefully "not involving with any sort of sexual intercourse whatsoever" (hint of sarcasm).

Thursday, November 22, 2007

I Just Want My Pants Back 1A

Vocab: "souvlaki" = (page 22) = noun = a dish similar to shish kebab made with lamb

"yarmulke" = (page 20) = noun = a skullcap worn, esp. during prayer and religious study, by Jewish males, esp. those adhering to Orthodox or Conservative tradition

"... so dance like a piece of fruit would dance, I guess." (page 21) = personification, because pieces of fruit don't dance.

"The problem with being me was that somehow my dick had acquired the argumentative skills of a debate team captain." (2) = personification, because his dick doesn't actually have arguementative skills, it's not a person.

"In fact, if adults were some kind of exotic animal species, New York City was their African veldt." (15) = simile, because it uses "if" and is comparing adults to something else.

"But when I came back, I didn't see the point in shaving every day and working long hours at something I wasn't sure I wanted to be doing." (13) This shows a trend that is starting to form that Jason is kind of a slacker, and doesn't know what he wants to do with his life.

One theme that is emerging is to have fun in life, because although his job situation is sticky, Jason still has plenty of fun with his free time and friends.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

I Just Want My Pants Back 1B

I am reading the book, "I Just Want My Pants Back," by David J. Rosen. So far, it has been one of the funniest and absolutely true books I have ever read. There are comments that totally characterize a guy's thoughts. (please excuse the slightly explicit content ms. tholen) "I didn't want a a girlfriend, not really, at least not right away. But I could have used a functional va***a. It had been a while since I'd had access to one of those, and my p***s kept reminding me how accommodating they could be." (page 1). I rarely laugh out loud when reading a book, I mean, I often smile, or laugh in my head, but this is the first time in SO long that I have actually full out laughed at a book. I mean, it is quite raunchy subject matter, but it's totally what goes through a guy's head, but nobody actually goes out and says it. I guarantee that even if they don't admit it, this exact thought has popped in every guy's head at least once in the last month or so. Well, the main character, Jason Strider, is a guy who graduated from an Ivy League college with an English degree, and now lives in Greenwich Village, and has no idea what he wants to do with his life. I like that, because that is nearly exactly where I see myself in 7 or 8 years. So... hopefully this book stays as funny as it is so far. OUT.