Thursday, March 27, 2008

Looking For Alaska

Another book I chose was Looking For Alaska, by John Green. Now... for my first two books, I followed the same pattern of posting. For this book, however, I am going to do something new. I really liked this book, and I think that if I did the whole summary, message, and meaning/connection thing, I very well could ruin the book for someone (and no I'm not just using that as an excuse, I read the book and liked it and think other people should read it). Anyways, I want to use a single quote that struck me as one of the coolest ideas I have heard in a long, long time...
"We need never be hopeless, because we can
never be irreparably broken. We think
we are invincible because we are."
(page 220)

I like this quote because it can mean a lot to anybody, and anybody could relate or apply it in some way to their lives. It not only brings hope and strength, but enlightens a new style of alternative thinking that even if not agreed with, it still causes open mindedness that is healthy and important for any mind. I mean, when I read that quote, I can relate to it in several ways and in all of them it gives hope and tells me that maybe not physically, but spiritually I am invincible; nothing can kill me. There will be things that make me feel like I'm close, but nothing that is irreparably broken. I am invincible. To me, that's just an awesome thought. Hopefully, after reading this quote and possibly thinking about it for yourself, it has sparked some interest. There is a book, it's really good, about a boy's journey to come to this conclusion. If you're interested in checking it out, it's called Looking For Alaska. Happy reading...

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